About GFSF

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GFSF serves as an industry platform to help improve food safety in the Asian market. This blog offers the most up-to-date news on Asia's food safety events.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Rick Gilmore to Speak at ABLC 2021


Rick Gilmore will speak at the Advanced Biotechnology Leadership Conference, Washington DC, March 17-19, 2021, Mayflower Hotel
For more information about ABLC 2021:  https://biofuelsdigest.com/ablc/?source=BD

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

CPC Featured in BiofuelsDigest Online

Just posted in BiofuelsDigest online - - Reducing Carbon Emissions in Agriculture: The Digest's 2020 Multi-Slide Guide to Commodity Plus Carbon. At ABLC Digital this summer, there was lots of talk about carbon. In this slide guide, GIC takes us on a learning journey about commodity plus carbon and how it monetizes carbon. What is CPC? What are the advantages? What is the methodology? How does blockchain tech work with it? What is CPC's potential for the ethanol industry and biofuels? Get answers to these questions and more...ready for you now at BiofuelsDigest online.
Shortened URL - https://rb.gy/kyqcdf

Friday, October 16, 2020

World Food Day 2020

FAO's slogan for World Food Day 2020 is "Grow, nourish, sustain. Together. -- Our actions are our future." And yet, the world is beset by geopolitical trade wars, COVID-19, an economic slump, and climate change.  Not exactly the kind of togetherness we need for food security!


Monday, September 28, 2020

GIC in International Import-Export Event Nov 18-20, 2020



GIC Group, a 40-year old international agribusiness company, is pleased to join other expert presenters to discuss agricultural trade opportunities for Russia worldwide. Rick Gilmore, President/CEO, commented, “Russia is well-placed to resume its historic role as a ‘global breadbasket’.” My presentations in the three sessions will focus on critical developments in the international grain trade; Russia’s international role as a competitive grain supplier in the “new normal” post COVID-19 world; and GIC recommended growth strategies and services.

GIC provides agribusiness companies and public sector clients with an integrated approach to problem solving and a roadmap for profit maximization and future growth. We combine research with analysis; policy and strategic planning with technology applications, marketing, and decision-making; and finance and investment with raising capital. GIC offers services with a specialization in the grain trade from our network of global offices and partnerships.

Gilmore invited participants to send questions in advance of the event: “There is always a risk in over-simplification so questions from listeners will enable me to drill down to the key issues in successful international grain transactions. Please refer to our website: www.gicgroup.com and the website of our non-profit organization, GFSF:  www.globalfoodsafetyforum.org and direct your inquiries to: rickgilmore@gicgroup.com . “ For further information on the event, please refer to www.importexport.group/autumneng


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Financial Consequences of Climate Change

The Climate Trust writes that the CFTC report "...could mark a turning point. Its commissioning and conclusion signals an increased awareness of the potentially ruinous financial consequences of failing to address climate change." Here are a few companies who signed on to the report: Dairy Farmers of America, Environmental Defense Fund, J.P.Morgan Chase, Vanguard, Citigroup, & Cargill. Now that's scary!

Monday, September 14, 2020

Climate Change and Food Safety


FAO and WHO have both warned of the impact of climate change on food safety. We're in Food Safety Month right now -- but every month is climate change.  Resilient food systems, sustainable farming, and targeted mitigation are long-term prerequisites.