Xinhua News Agency reports on February 20, 2017, that more
than 269 H7N9 human infections have been found since January and at least 87
humans died because of H7N9. Most cases were found in southeastern China,
especially in Yangtze and Pearl River Delta.
Due to the severity of the flu, the National Health and
Family Planning Commission ordered a ban on the live poultry trade
in south China. Guangzhou, Xiamen, Suzhou and several cities in Hubei, Sichuan
and Zhejiang have already suspended live poultry trading. Daxin
Ni, the deputy director of the Emergency Response Center at the
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, claimed that the bans had reduced
the number of new infections in critical areas. He suggested replacing live
poultry with frozen birds to mitigate the infection possibilities.
The Commission has been training workers in screening,
diagnosis, and treatment of badly ill infected persons. On February 16th,
the Beijing Food and Drug Administration announced that four vaccines have
received the green light for clinical tests, bringing hope for better prevention
and control in the future.