About GFSF

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GFSF serves as an industry platform to help improve food safety in the Asian market. This blog offers the most up-to-date news on Asia's food safety events.

Friday, January 31, 2020

2019nCoV and Food Safety

The CDC Summary on-line explains that the 2019nCoV in Wuhan most likely originated in a large seafood and live animal market. Now, it’s a global contagion transmitted person to person and the focus is on medical remedies. But where’s the focus on the core issue— food safety surveillance and compliance? That’s our focus at GFSF!! 

Friday, January 17, 2020

GFSF Works to Reduce Risk of ASF in China

With ASF (African Swine Fever) still a high concern, China has lowered tariffs on frozen pork; 16 new country approvals as suppliers of meat/pork products – but how to reduce future risk?  
GFSF is working with much needed detection and surveillance technologies to regain consumer confidence.