About GFSF

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GFSF serves as an industry platform to help improve food safety in the Asian market. This blog offers the most up-to-date news on Asia's food safety events.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Minimize Future Risk

COVID19 (born from food safety abuse) has become the unforeseen global disruptor to human health and well-established infrastructure for food safety. But tragedy can be instructive. 

At GFSF Beijing, we’re collaborating with the private and public sectors on remedies from new technologies to minimize future risk. And we welcome all the help we can get.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Pathogens/ Prevention/ Prerequisites

Every day there's a new stat on coronavirus news, but where’s the news on tightening food safety surveillance and compliance?

With no news on the food safety side of it, GFSF plans to make some.

Coming soon—a GFSF hosted interactive session online with Chinese and international experts on food safety technologies and the 3 P’s—Pathogens/ Prevention/ Prerequisites for food safety measures.Pa