Food Safety and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Steven Jordan, GIC Group
Steven Jordan, GIC Group
the recent approval of Trade Promotion Authority legislation, the passage of
the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) seems almost inevitable.
While the proposed trade agreement has sparked an intense debate on several
issues, food safety concerns remain unresolved.
Critics of the TPP have
been very vocal in their opposition, citing the secrecy in which the
negotiations have been conducted. According to congressional sources, there is
a chapter within the provisions of TPP that address SPS (Sanitary and
Phytosanitary) measures, known as the SPS provisions within WTO (World Trade
Organization). WTO now has responsibility for international SPS standards and
compliance. According to our source, the TPP goes beyond current requirements,
referred to as WTO Plus Standards, ensuring that nations provide science-based
and internationally recognized standards, and that these measures are created
in a transparent manner. The TPP doesn’t change the United States or any other
participating nation’s food safety standards or laws, but does require them to
be based on sound science and international standards.
opposition to the trade deal has expressed concern about the dilution of the
U.S.’s Food Safety Modernization Act, however our sources confirmed the
participation of both the Food and Drug Administration and the United States
Department of Agriculture in the negotiations, and that both agencies support
what has been put on the table. Goals for agencies participating in the
negotiations are that the obligations detailed within the TPP are enforceable,
so that current and new food safety standards ‘move from an aspirational ideal
to a national obligation.’ The goal of the TPP is to reduce tariffs and other
similar barriers to trade, which raises concerns over the possibility of
increased seafood originating in Vietnam for instance, where past shipments
have been a prime source of cargo rejections. Congressional sources in support
of TPP maintain that with stiff surveillance in the US, there may be a shift to
less regulated markets such as China. In
their view, the manner in which the FDA addresses the issues of food safety
will not change as a result, and importers will still be held just as accountable
as ever.
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