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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

GFSF Interview with CFDA, US Chief

GFSF Interview with CFDA, US Chief


Dr. Xinyu Weng, CFDA Division Director for International Cooperation and current First Secretary of the Embassy of China in the US, addressed the complex challenges of food safety regulation and surveillance in China in the first official published interview in the US.  GFSF (Global Food Safety Forum: www.globalfoodsafetyforum.org) is a non-profit public-private food safety platform with offices in China.


In a conversation with Rick Gilmore, Chairman of GFSF, published in the GFSF special issue of FOCUS, Dr. Weng highlighted key problem areas that CFDA is addressing.  The melamine scandal figured high on his list.  He described new registration requirements for domestic and imported infant formula powdered milk.  There are now stiffer penalties, HACCP processing standards, and batch testing for compliance with new and improved national standards.

此次访谈的采访者瑞克· 吉尔默是国际食品安全协会的主席,此次访谈内容将发表于国际食品安全协会的专栏“聚焦”上。此次访谈中,温新宇主任着重介绍了药监局接下来所要解决的核心问题。他特别强调了三聚氰胺事件对于食品安全管理的影响。作为应对措施,药监局颁布了更严厉的惩罚,更严格的检查程序,更高的食品标准来确保企业遵守新出台的全国食品安全标准。

Dr. Weng indicated that one of CFDA’s biggest challenges is the surveillance and regulation of on-line food providers which is a high growth industry in China as well as the US.  Among the difficulties CFDA faces are “fictitious and cross-regional characteristics in online food transactions,” determining “evidentiary based findings” and protecting consumers “rights.”  Consistent with food tracing standards and transparency requirements on behalf of consumers, providers now must have food distribution licenses, approval of telecommunication authorities, file information with local food and drug authorities, and publish the information on their websites. 


In response to Rick Gilmore’s question about the biggest challenges facing CFDA at the moment, Dr. Weng singled out “microbial contamination, food pesticides, and environmental pollution.”  In addition, he mentioned the need to raise agricultural production standards, to “improve” food safety standards, and the need to address the lack of uniformity in “regulatory resources and capacity” in the provinces.

瑞克· 吉尔默先生询问了当前国家药监局所面临的挑战。温主任指出,微生物污染,食品农药残留,环境污染都是目前药监局所面临的巨大挑战。他还指出,药监局需进一步提高农产品生产标准,提升食物安全标准。目前,不同省份之间在食物安全监管资源与能力上尚存在差异。

Dr. Weng’s final comments embraced the importance of international collaboration in improving and strengthening global food safety standards through greater cooperation in information sharing on food safety risks as well as in regulatory initiatives. 


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