About GFSF

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GFSF serves as an industry platform to help improve food safety in the Asian market. This blog offers the most up-to-date news on Asia's food safety events.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Food Safety Developments in India, 2020-22

As the world continues to grapple with the pandemic, countries are taking greater cognizance of their food safety processes. As a key agrarian nation, India too has taken proactive measures in tackling its health-borne risks, with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) playing a key role. Using recyclable plastics for packaging, promoting rice fortification, newer food labeling mechanisms, effective produce licensing approaches, and more capacity-building measures, among several progressive steps, could foresee a more robust food safety ecosystem in the near future.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Women's Roles in Life's Substance

Women are responsible for over 50% of global food production and, deservedly, don’t want to only be identified on International Women’s Day as kitchen stalwarts.  But there’s no shame in applauding their central role In food safety, climate change consciousness, and the global food supply chain.  Every day is women’s day when it comes to life’s substance.